Shinganapur is a village situated at a distance of 70 kms from Shirdi, 6 kms from Ghodegaon on Aurangabad Ahmedanagar road in Maharashtra. It is 84 kms from Aurangabad and 35 kms from Ahmednagar. From Ghodegaon, there is a motorable tar road leading to the Shri Shaneshwar and is open in all the seasons. The population of this village is about 3000.
State Transport buses regularly go to Shinganapur from Ahmednagar, Aurangabad and Shirdi. Devotees who visit Shirdi should visit Shani Temple to see that how people still believe in each other by not building any door or window in their homes. They don't put any locks to safe their valuable ornaments or jewelleries. In this village you can see the trust of one person to another person by Shani's blessings. It surprises every one who comes to this village from all around the world so I would suggest to all devotees not to miss this chance and visit Shani Temple when they go to Shridi. Some people believe that this Shani Temple had been built by Sai's consent and blessings. If that's true then this is another reason for true believers of Sai Baba to go and see this Temple. It's just an hour drive from Shirdi. If you are going to Shirdi then hope Baba and Shani Dev will make your journey pleasant and joyful.
1 comment:
I will come with positive mind i hope.
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